params: - {name: lam, value: .9, min: 0, max: 1, round: 0.01} - {name: gL, value: .01, min: -.05, max: .15, round: 0.01} - {name: phi, value: 0, min: -.5, max: .9, round: 0.01} - {name: sR, value: .05, min: 0, max: .15, round: 0.01} - {name: theta, value: .1, min: 0, max: 1, round: 0.01} - {name: Linit, value: 100, min: 1, max: 200, round: 1} - {name: Ainit, value: 47.7, min: 1, max: 100, round: .01} - {name: time, value: 100, min: 20, max: 200, round: 1} calcs: Rinit: (params.sR)*(params.Linit) ALinit: (params.Ainit)^(1-params.phi)/(calcs.Rinit)^(params.lam) ALss: (1-params.phi)*(params.theta)/(params.lam*params.gL) gAss: (params.lam)*(params.gL)/(1-params.phi) a: (params.lam)/(1-params.phi) p: (1/(1-params.phi)) conv: (params.lam*params.gL) ALbase: (1-0)*.1/(.9*.01) layout: TwoVerticalGraphsPlusSidebar: topGraph: xAxis: max: (params.time) min: 0 ticks: 10 yAxis: title: Growth rate of productivity max: .05 min: -.02 objects: - Segment: a: [0,.009] b: [(params.time),.009] color: green lineStyle: dashed label: text: \text{Old BGP} location: .25 - Segment: a: [0,calcs.gAss] b: [(params.time),(calcs.gAss)] color: blue lineStyle: dashed label: text: \text{New BGP} location: .1 - Curve: univariateFunction: fn: (params.theta)/(calcs.ALss*(1-(.9)^(x)) + calcs.ALinit*((.9)^(x))) ind: x color: black label: text: \text{Actual} x: 15 bottomGraph: xAxis: title: Time min: 0 max: (params.time) ticks: 10 yAxis: title: Log productivity level max: 10 min: 0 objects: - Segment: a: [0,(.9)log(5) + log(11.11)] b: [(params.time),(.9)log(5) + log(11.11)+(.9)*(.01)*(params.time)] lineStyle: dashed color: blue label: text: \text{Old BGP} location: .1 - Segment: a: [0,(calcs.a)log(calcs.Rinit) + (calcs.p)log(calcs.ALss)] b: [(params.time),(calcs.a)log(calcs.Rinit) + (calcs.p)log(calcs.ALss)+(calcs.a)*(params.gL)*(params.time)] lineStyle: dashed color: green label: text: \text{New BGP} location: .25 - Curve: univariateFunction: fn: (calcs.a)log(calcs.Rinit) + (calcs.p)log(calcs.ALss*(1-(.98)^(x)) + calcs.ALinit*((.98)^(x))) + (calcs.a)*(params.gL)*(x) ind: x color: black label: text: \text{Actual} x: 15 sidebar: controls: - title: Parameters description: Adjust parameter(s) to see effect on growth rate and level of GDP per capita. You can adjust multiple parameters. Reload the page to reset. sliders: - {param: gL, label: g_L} - {param: lam, label: \lambda} - {param: phi, label: \phi} - {param: theta, label: \theta} - {param: sR, label: s_R} - title: Initial conditions description: Adjust initial conditions to see effect on growth rate and level of GDP per capita. Note how these differ from adjusting parameters. Reload the page to reset. sliders: - {param: Linit, label: L_0} - {param: Ainit, label: A_0} - title: Time frame description: It can be useful to see dynamics over shorter or longer time frames. sliders: - {param: time, label: t}