params: - {name: sK, value: .2, min: 0, max: .4, round: 0.01} - {name: gA, value: .02, min: -.01, max: .05, round: 0.01} - {name: gL, value: .01, min: -.05, max: .15, round: 0.01} - {name: delta, value: .05, min: 0, max: .15, round: 0.01} - {name: alpha, value: .3, min: .05, max: .95, round: 0.05} - {name: KALinit, value: 2, min: 0, max: 7, round: 0.1} calcs: KYss: (params.sK/(params.gL + params.gA + KALss: (calcs.KYss)^(1/(1-params.alpha)) gK: (params.sK)*(1/params.KALinit)^(1-params.alpha) - ( gy: (params.alpha)*(calcs.gK - params.gA - params.gL) + params.gA layout: OneGraphPlusSidebar: graph: xAxis: title: K/AL ratio max: 7 min: 0 intercept: 0 yAxis: title: Growth rates max: .10 min: -.03 intercept: 0 objects: - Point: coordinates: [params.KALinit,0] drag: - horizontal: KALinit - Point: coordinates: [calcs.KALss,(params.gA + params.gL)] color: red droplines: vertical: (K/AL)_{ss} - Point: coordinates: [params.KALinit, calcs.gK] droplines: vertical: \text{Initial } K/AL horizontal: g_K - Arrow: begin: [params.KALinit,.002] end: [calcs.KALss,.002] color: blue trim: .1 label: text: K/AL \text{ moves} x: (params.KALinit + (calcs.KALss - params.KALinit)/2) - Curve: univariateFunction: fn: (params.sK)*(1/(x))^(1-params.alpha) - ( ind: x color: blue lineStyle: dashed strokeWidth: 4 label: text: g_K = s_K \left(\frac{AL}{K}\right)^{1-\alpha} - \delta x: 6.5 - Line: yIntercept: (params.gA + params.gL) slope: 0 lineStyle: dashed strokeWidth: 4 color: green label: text: g_A + g_L x: 6.5 sidebar: controls: - title: Initial conditions description: You can adjust the initial K/AL ratio using the dot on the x-axis or this control sliders: - {param: KALinit, label: K/AL} - title: Parameters description: Adjust these to see how steady state and the growth rate of capital change sliders: - {param: gL, label: g_L} - {param: gA, label: g_A} - {param: sK, label: s_K} - {param: delta, label: \delta} - {param: alpha, label: \alpha} - title: Calculations description: Given the initial conditions and parameters we can calculate these... divs: - html: "`$$(K/AL)_{ss} = ${calcs.KALss.toFixed(2)}$$`" - html: "`$$(K/Y)_{ss} = ${calcs.KYss.toFixed(2)}$$`" - html: "`$$g_K = s_K (AL/K)^{1-\\\\alpha} - \\\\delta = ${calcs.gK.toFixed(4)}$$`" - html: "`$$g_y = \\\\alpha (g_K - g_A - g_L) + g_A = ${}$$`"